Transvestia wonderful days three months earlier and I could not stand it any longer. He had to go to the southern part of the state on business and pass through a city where a Tall Girl shop is located. I won and he stopped and bought me an adorable red knit and nylons but it would be im- possible for me even to try it on because of his wife. Well naturally I couldn't stand that and I worked on him constantly for two days. Oh, how I wanted to wear that red knit and it was Halloween, maybe he could convince his wife, but he said never. He had resigned himself to the fact that she never would understand. But I would not give up, I drove him crazy for those two days, I had to
come out!
Finally he could not take it anymore and the night before Halloween he blurted out his feminine desires to his lovely bride and much to his surprise and to my joy she didn't get up and walk out on him. She was shocked but told him that tomorrow, Holloween, he could intro- duce Terri to her. The next day he was a nervous wreck but after I appeared things changed. She accepted me! She thought that I did quite well with my makeup, con- sidering my limited experience and she liked my red knit. He was elated that this secret he had carried all these years was now out in the open and I was elated because I had been accepted. She said that he immediately had to stop apologizing for me and that she would help me to develop into a lady. She then thrilled me even more by going shopping for me with my brother, they bought me a white lace blouse and blue nightie. My womanhood was beginning at 25 and I acted like 13 but I was accepted by the person that my brother most wanted to accept me, his wife.
The next month was one filled with wonderful femi- nine experiences. She fixed my very cheap wig and said that I must get a new опе to look really feminine! How- ever, she made me look more feminine than I ever thought possible. She took my brother on Together they bought me a slack set and she altered it Lo fit me. She took pic- tures of me with her Polaroid so I could see myself and watch the improvement. Terri was emerging more and more feminine each time she appeared.
For my birthday she gave me a beautiful soft black